Thursday, January 29, 2015

And the time has finally come...maybe

This month I have gone on and on about my New Year’s resolutions and how I’m going to stick with them.  This is the year!  Let’s do this!  And then I go an entire week without posting anything to my blog, and seemingly without writing.  I say seemingly because, in fact, I have been writing (wahoo!) but not for this blog.  I have been given the opportunity to write a few pieces for the O.A.R.S. Adventure blog, and that has therefore caused writing here to take a back seat.  But it’s exciting…getting some “published” pieces under my belt is a huge blessing.

I also received an encouraging compliment from our Marketing Director, who said the latest piece I submitted was the best writing of mine he has seen.  Proof that writing begets writing, and skills compile the more you use them.  I really, truly, deeply believe that writing here, expressing ideas without the pressure of deadlines or editors (which absolutely-without-a-doubt make me clam up), is making my writing better.  You may not agree…I still have a long way to go and will never stop developing or learning the craft of creative writing.  But it’s a start, and I am stoked.

So, in the interest of continuing to develop my own personal writing flare, I will keep posting here with the goal of something new two times a week.  So, onwards and upwards, my friends…

I’ve used the term whirlwind before to describe a weekend, and every single time I’ve used it, the experience falls short of the whirlwind that was January 16-18.  Friday night I picked up Natalie and we drove to Nevada City, danced through the night, watched films all day Saturday, drove back home to Murphys, loaded up an impressive truck and trailer load, drove down to San Luis Obispo, and by 9 a.m. on Monday I was back at my desk clocked in at O.A.R.S. here in Angels Camp.  I collected a total of 758 miles, not including the driving around that happened once we arrived in San Luis Obispo. Whew, it was quite the weekend. 

I was exhausted for most of the following week.  I have read that sleep is not like a bank— you can’t sleep 4 hours one night and then 12 hours the next night to “make-up” for “lost” sleep.  It just doesn’t work that way.  Your body needs a certain amount of sleep each night, and when you don’t get that, you have a deficit that can’t really be filled back up.   Not to say you can’t wake and feel rested ever again, it just doesn’t work like a piggy bank.  I may be 24 and mostly healthy, but my youth and vitality cannot withstand that kind of weekend and be functioning on full cylinders.  I was groggy all week. Lesson learned. 

That week and this week have been spent packing and going through all my stuff, deciding what to keep, what to leave and what to donate.  While I have to admit, I kind of love this process, it’s also been pretty stressful.  I have cleared out the Huggy Hut (for the most part), and have moved into Huck and I’s new trailer, which is parked at O.A.R.S.  I have a huge pile of stuff that is (hopefully) going to be packed in my car and moved to SLO with me after work on Friday. I can’t believe the time is here (again, hopefully.  I won’t know for sure until my work computer is in my hands!)  It’s been a long road (5 ½ years!) that Huck and have I moved about, sometimes together but mostly not.  This is a move that has no end date, and that is a first.  We’ve always moved about for school, work or family, but this time we get to start a life together.  And it’s pretty damn exciting.

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