Monday, December 1, 2014


Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I’m settling back into the beat of being home.  It’s amazing how easy it is to settle back, but also how tough that transition can be.   And by tough, I’m referring specifically to the pile of clothes, packing cubes, gifts, memory cards and clean/dirty/TBD clothes on my RV couch/floor/chairs.  You would think in a week I would have had time to organize and go through the mess of returning, but I just haven’t gotten there yet.  This has a lot to do with the fact that I mostly live at Huck's house, and not so much in the RV, where all the above has been virtually left to fend for itself.  I’ll go ahead and blame the jet lag too, while I’m at it…
Anyway, I have decided that coming home should not mean the end of writing regularly.  It’s been a great way to flex my mental creative muscles that don’t get used near as often as I would like.  And it’s been fun.  I’m not looking for an audience, but a place to share, stretch, expand and explore life and writing and the everyday things that set apart Monday from Tuesday other than the simple turning of time.  I can’t say what my topics will be, but thinking about it now, it may help to find a focus— I’m sure that will come.  Also a title— hopefully that will also come.   But in the meantime I will continue to write, and you are welcome to follow along on this journey with me if you’d like.  No pressure, though.  
Maybe my topic will be about being 24 and at a point in my life where people are making big decisions.  Friends are getting married, having babies, buying houses.  Careers are being built, explored, left behind and ignored.  Paths are being wrought and I think our wanderlust is at a peak, despite all the roots that are trying to take hold.  We’re a generation with mobility and resources, and I’d like to explore what exactly that can mean.  Maybe starting with one of the world’s great explorers is the perfect place to begin: “We are now ready to start our way down the Great Unknown. . . . We have an unknown distance yet to run, and unknown river to explore. What falls there are, we know not; what rocks beset the channel, we know not; what walls rise over the river, we know not. “– John Wesley Powell
With that, off we go…


  1. Dr.BarbC. December2, 2014
    Dear Ashley, you have me as an audience member. I have enjoyed following your blog. I particularly like your young perspective on the places you have traveled as well as your experiences. I like how once in awhile you throw in a literary quote. Your photos are beautiful and I can tell you put much thought into taking them with just the right perspective. I look forward to your upcoming posts. Love, cousin Barbara


  2. Ash, Enjoy reading each and every post! Your enthusiasm in life warms my heart. Momma
